Phoenixes Groomed as Genesis Doves: Re-Release Re-Release



So, if you listened to my ramble a few things:

-Doves symbolize my being indoctrinated and raised to be one way and one way only.

-Phoenixes Groomed as Genesis Doves (P.G.A.G.D) will be available to read and enjoy on December 20th via e-book.

-The paperback will be released in January. I am thinking about selling it on my shop with some goodies (Yes, I’m bringing my shop back too!)

Where you can pre-order the e-book version of PGAGD:

Apple Books



Barnes and Noble


Synopsis of PGAGD


Short Version:

Phoenixes Groomed as Genesis Doves is a collection of poetry that draws the reader into the world of personal identity, inner growth and the complexity of human relationships. Ordinary and common images, especially ones found in nature, are used to craft poems that appeal to the uncommon, the suppressed and the others. Filled with incredible grace and accessible wisdom, the poems explore a wide range of complex emotional themes. With unexpected metaphors and sparkling similes, the pieces vary in rhythm and theme making each one like a foil-wrapped candy:  something to savor, enjoying each new bright color on the tongue.


Hella Long Version:

In the title poem, Phoenixes Groomed as Genesis Doves, Farrell uses a staccato rhythm to invite the reader to embrace otherness. After a lifetime of being stifled, wings clipped and brilliant colors dimmed, the phoenix emerges from the ashes as a powerful symbol of survival, change and live a unique and commanding life filled with color and light. Filled with symbolism and vibrant language, the poem is wise and universal in its message.

October Leaves is a clever poem reminiscent of the razor-sharp wit of Dorothy Parker. Using the seasons of the year, Farrell uses autumn as a way to describe the period in between, the cooling-off between the lush seduction of summer and the blazing fires of winter. In this piece, the leaves are a beautiful break, a respite from the heat of two opposite seasons.

No Longer Afraid of Beautiful explores the idea that beauty, often the kind we overlook, is something we must embrace fearlessly. In this poem, overcoming a reluctance to embrace the extraordinary is the key to self-acceptance. In a voice that brings to mind Maya Angelou, it’s a powerful call to banish our fears and find the beauty that’s all around us.

In addition to many several pieces that provoke and encourage deep thought about self-worth, the meaning of being a woman and the evolution of a soul, Farrell also includes several poems that examine racism in a very real and accessible way. The poem, Unhidden and Unaddressed, follows a man of color, a good man who provides for his family and works hard to prove his worth, through a traffic stop that leads to his arrest and unjust death. The rhythm of the poem perfectly mirrors the growing intensity of the meeting between the man and the police officer. The perfectly chosen words speak directly to the heart and tear open the current climate in the United States. The poem is provocative and jolting.

Phoenixes Groomed as Genesis Doves by Jasmine Farrell is a collection of poems that speaks to the very real experience of the poet. Her words are polished, raw and painfully honest. The best kind of poetry collection, Ms. Farrell alternates diction and rhythm in a way that forces the reader to listen to every word, every pause and every period and comma. Bright and insightful, the work is uplifting and heartbreaking. In the way of the best collections, Phoenixes Groomed as Genesis Doves demands the heart and participation of the reader.

Bookjasmine Farrell