January Goals: Micro Goals
Hey Lovelies,
Happy New Year to Ya’ll!
It's been an interesting start to this year. I'm just getting over being jumped for 2 days by a migraine. I've got migraine meds but the brain fog I get afterwards...It feels like I was just holding my breath for 15 seconds and can finally breathe again...but like I feel a little woozy...Yeah. But you know what they say - tough times don't last, tough people do.
And that's exactly why I wanted to share my goals for the month of January with all of you. Sharing them makes me feel even more determined to conquer them and snag this fresh start. So, let's dive right in and get encouraged together!
Daily One-Hour Sprints
Every single day, I'm setting aside one precious hour for writing. It doesn't matter if it's a new story, continuing an existing one, or simply letting my thoughts flow onto the page like a beautiful word vomit. During this uninterrupted hour, I'll be pouring my heart and soul into my passion. Of course, I might indulge in a spontaneous dance break or two (because who can resist a good beat?), but hey, that's what makes my creative process feel noiceeeee!
Content Batching
I won't overdo it but I'd like to write a few blog posts and visuals for social media in advance so I can post and go. I did a good job of this last year. This month, I aim to have at least four blog posts written, six canva-made posts. I will enjoy achieving this goal. I like playing around with Canva. I also would like to record four poems from My Quintessence.
Daily Walks...Despite the Cold
Chile...this one will be tough.
Let's get real for a moment. Taking daily walks when it feels like the weather is trying to freeze us on the spot? Brick city and I’m just trying to improve? Yeah, it's going to be a challenge. But hey, I've been there before! Last year, I started my daily one-hour walks in April, and the transformation was nothing short of sexy snacks and good drinks. I felt rejuvenated from the inside out. So, this time around, I'm bravely facing the disrespectful cold. I'll start slowly, committing to three walks a week. And you know what? I might even prepare my clothes the night before, so there are no morning grumbling excuses. Who's with me (Don’t look at my blog post like that! You know you wanna try to walk too!)
For me, it has always been best to create smaller monthly goals than big yearly goals. I’ll remember to be kind to myself. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes we may not achieve all our goals within a given timeframe. And that's okay! I’m half human. The most important thing is to keep believing in ourselves and our potential to achieve greatness. What are your goals for the month of January 2024?
Orange September is a celebration of the beauty and power of love that will stay with you long after the last page
Unafraid and bare, as the autumn leaves fall over Brooklyn, a young woman discovers a love that was, is, and will be. Orange September gives us a peek into her heart as she navigates a budding union. Through lines brimming with passion, romance, and a few giggles, each word paints a vivid portrait of their love. Orange September is a must-read for anyone who has ever loved outside the lines.
Poems are about a budding friendship that transforms into a budding connection. Infatuation, adventures, being in love and other mushy poems can be found in Orange September.
Under 80 pages