Waitin' For Karma to Pull up Like:
What goes around, comes around. Generally speaking, the aforementioned statement is pretty much the contemporary Western understanding of what Karma is. Scrolling through various social media timelines, it's very easy to find Memes and quotes being reposted that pretty much speak on this kind of cosmic justice.
I get it. I do. When we've just had a bad break-up with a cheater or a friend who betrayed us, reading this is soothing. Let's be real: Vengeance suddenly tastes sacchariferous after a bitter ending. The idea that someone who treated us poorly will soon face the same treatment, is a bit relieving when we're still in the beginning stages of healing. Nonetheless, various people who do unethical, wicked and unspeakable things———> still thrive. We all know thieves who own businesses, cheaters who have a loving and kind spouse, and nasty people who have wonderful, loyal friends. We know people have metaphorically gotten away with murder and then got rewarded a sundae. I'm sure these people sleep well at night and will continue to live their best lives why? Because "bad" people don't always, "get what they deserve".
Karma ain't always gonna' roll up like:
The universe won't always give us the justice of one's wrongdoing to us (or the wrongdoing we did to someone else).
"Karma is the law of cause and effect. Karma is action, whether physical or mental, individual or performed by a group and each action has a consequence."
( https://www.ananda.org/yogapedia/karma/)
It's way more than just "what goes around comes around." It depends on the faith, belief system or philosophy you abide in when it comes to Karma.
Listen, when I was healing from one of my past relationships, I would carry around that faux karma with hope. Hoping that person would be treated the same way I was and given the mess they gave me. One day I realized that it wasn't going to help me move forward or become the best Jasmine I can be. It would help me nestle bitterness.
And if I was to wait around for faux karma to pull up on this person, resentment would have been brewing more than it already was. I had to face the hurt, ache and the, "I can't believe this jerk really did"s honestly.
Accept it.
Speak with my counselor.
Scream and repeat for a while. When everything was all out, I released. I let the ache slip out of my hand. I forgave myself, that person (of course the trauma of certain situations took a bit longer to heal, but ya'll get my point) and slowly released the pain I had sitting pretty in my balled-up fists. No matter how long you wait for karma to pull up on that person who did you wrong: That ache will remain under your chest.
Cease lurking their page hoping for a downfall as some cosmic justice for what they did to you.
I know ya'll been friends since '92, but some people aren't meant to roll with you in this season. Maybe the season was up years ago and this betrayal helped pushed you to realize it.
Release it.
Some of ya'll may disagree and believe that what goes around DOES come around, but in a different way. You may be right. I won't deny that. Not your business to keep looking around for it though. Love yourself enough to face the pain and move forward without allowing resentment to be the dry-raggedy-ashy teddy you carry around.
Headline Pic by: Vitória Santos
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