Poetry Gift Ideas for National Poetry Month
April is National Poetry Month in the United States, a celebration of poetry!
If you have a poetry lover in your life, National Poetry Month is the perfect time to show them how much you care by gifting them a thoughtful and meaningful present. Here are some great poetry gift ideas to consider this National Poetry Month:
Poetry Anthologies
A poetry anthology is a collection of poems written by different authors. There are anthologies available for nearly every genre, style, and period of poetry, so it's easy to find one that will match the interests of the poetry lover in your life. You could also consider a themed anthology, such as a book of love poems, poems about nature, or poems about social justice.
Recommendation :
Published: August 2020
Editors: Dara Kalima and Ahja Fox
“BLEED is a poetry anthology filled with poems that express deep pain, hurt, and trauma. The content of this collection confronts some of the most traumatic experiences related to childhood, relationships, and mental health. The 18 poets included in BLEED were students in a workshop offered by Poetix University, where they were prompted to confront their deepest fears, pain, and trauma in several unique writing assignments.” -Excerpt summary from Amazon Page
2. Poetry Books
If the poetry lover in your life has a favorite poet or style of poetry, consider gifting them a book of poetry by that author. You could also choose a book by a poet that the recipient has expressed interest in reading.
Orange September
Of course I’m finna recommend my own stuff lol!
Unafraid and bare, as the autumn leaves fall over Brooklyn, a young woman discovers a love that was, is, and will be. Orange September gives us a peek into her heart as she navigates a budding union.
Poems such as Flowers During a Yellow August, ‘17 Blue and I Didn’t Fall in Love With You share passion-infused verses, giving readers a front row seat to watch a budding friendship turn into a commitment of love and adventure.
Orange September is a black queer collection of romance poetry that draws the reader into the world of personal identity, infatuation, courage to love without too much hesitation and the complexity of relationships. Farrell uses months, colors, common imagery and details, especially ones found in New York, to craft poems that appeal to mushy lovers, romance readers and the beautiful others.
3. Personalized Poetry Bookmarks
A personalized poetry bookmark can be a beautiful and thoughtful gift for a poetry lover. You could make one yourself by printing out a favorite poem and laminating it, or you could order a customized bookmark with a favorite quote or line of poetry.
Check out Spruce Crafts’ DIY Bookmarks: HERE
4. Poetry Journals
A poetry journal is a great way for a poetry lover to keep track of their own writing, as well as to jot down ideas and inspiration for future poems. You could choose a beautiful, leather-bound journal or a more casual notebook, depending on the recipient's style.
Like…it’s a blank journal to for your loved one to write poetry. Pretty self-explanatory. It’s 180 pages, 6x9 book size.
5. Poetry Posters
If the poetry lover in your life has a favorite poem or poet, consider gifting them a poster with the poem printed on it. You could also choose a poster with an inspiring quote about poetry, or a poster featuring a famous poet or literary figure.
To Be Nobody But Yourself - E.E. Cummings 11x14 (Unframed)
Anywho, there are many great poetry gift ideas to consider during National Poetry Month. Whether you choose a book, an anthology, or a poetry poster, your poetry-loving friend or family member is sure to appreciate the thoughtful and meaningful gesture. Happy National Poetry Month, ya’ll!
A poem about finding some more freedom by severing ties…