Who You are is Worthy Enough
In a society that often tells you how to act, think and look to achieve success, it’s understandable to feel as though being who you are isn’t enough. I can see (and have experienced) why you may feel that being you may hinder you from success. We’ve been taught how to assimilate, put on facades for our jobs and code switch within Nano seconds. I get it… We gotta pay bills… gotta fit in. However, to be everything else but yourself to achieve success, peace and happiness is a lie.
Being a robot will get you, but so far. You may obtain some material wealth and a few flunkies (users too)…Yes.
But is it worth compromising your purpose and story of your soul?
How long will you keep looking for jobs you don’t like full time? How long will you keep quitting jobs that you had no business applying to in the first place? How long will you move the way you’re supposed to instead of who you are to attract opportunities that align with your purpose and your soul’s story?
Listen, it ain’t easy. I get it. It even scares some of us to even mouth aloud what we want to do in life ESPECIALLY when it’s an un-traditional dream/goal.
For Example: Me.
I was that person who wanted to be a creative. To beta-read and uplift others through my poetry and voice-overs. If I was to work at a 9-5 job, I wanted it to be in an environment that I love and a position I adore. I believed that it wasn’t possible. I felt trapped. I felt as though, in order to pay my bills: I needed to be in corporate America and simply grin and bare it. So… I’d work at a company and then leave why? because I would apply for opportunities, get it, and then turn it down due to my work schedule. I wasn’t happy there. I had no room to create and do what I really wanted to do…
I was 27 years old when I finally said my dreams and goals aloud to myself then to my fiancé
In 2018, something clicked. I don’t know what it was. After being open with whom I was and cutting my hair: boldly choosing my purpose over survival business. I began applying for magazines. I landed my first nicely paid magazine position and then applied to a few poetry anthologies. I was still working a 9-5 , and it was becoming stressful. That same year, I went to North Carolina to do some readings for a poetry anthology I was a part of. I also did three voice over gigs and became a brand ambassador for 3 months for a writing platform. Long story short: I was once again miserable because of a job I didn’t enjoy eating away at what I truly wanted to do.. So, I left the job and made a plan.
I still had bills to pay, so I decided to temp. I only took assignments that had pay rates that would help me pay my bills and save to move the next year. I joined a few freelancing platforms and worked on multiple ways to obtain various forms of income (Still working on obtaining various forms of income). I met wonderful people at my temp assignments and I could work on my goals while at work
(Don’t tell my old bosses, though).
Fast forward to 2020, I am working on my platform, got 6 poetry collections under my belt, working on my novel, freelancing and working on my shop. I’m not a millionaire, far from it. My pockets looking a bit anorexic (maybe I’m being extra) I still have a long way to go, but damn it I’ve come a long way. I chose to live a life that makes me happy, live authentic and at peace. I have no regrets. As I continue to grow, thrive, learn, make mistakes and elevate for the better, I will forever be grateful for choosing my soul’s song. I’m thankful for choosing to be my authentic self and choosing my dreams.
10 years in this thing (slurps my luxurious ramen noodles and sips my bougie instant coffee). Anyway…I wanted to celebrate a decade as an indie author with the release of my eighth poetry collection, Rising From the Shadows. Pre-orders are now available for a December 10th release!