Indie Author Tuesday: Yuni D

Check out December’s Indie Author Tuesday, Yuni D!

Yuni D. is an New York-bred-Atlanta-based poetic storyteller, overcomer, and mystic whose lifelong purpose is to inspire, empower, and encourage her readers through the power of words. Check out her interview!

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jasmine Farrell
Indie Author Tuesday: Jean-Sebastien Surena

November’s Featured Author: Jean-Sebastien Surena!

Jean-Sebastien Surena is a poet from Queens, NY. In June 2021, Jean published his debut chapbook Quarantined Thoughts. He co-directed a short film based on one of its pieces, “Unbroken,” winning entry to several film festivals. Jean aims to translate poetry into multiple mediums and introduce it to a broader audience.

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Sloppy Virtual Book Tour Schedule

Check out my virtual book tour dates! Follow my debut novel and I as we’re highlighted, interviewed and reviewed by various bloggers from January 31st- February 11th.

If you have already read my debut novel, whenever you find the time, please leave a review wherever you purchased it. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Smash words….etc. It would really help with rankings, algorithms and show it to more people so they can snag a copy too.

Thank you all for re-tweeting, re-sharing, taking a pic of yourself with the book, and simply being in my corner to push this book out. I really appreciate it.

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Current Wages: Who Eatin' Wit' That?

Yes, the job openings have increased, but the actual hirings are low. The wages are low #af OR, the wages are high with a dash of unhealthy work environment and a sprinkle of unsafe work conditions. Panoramic wages and chill, I guess. Just a lil’ rant from a freelancing lady who temps.

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jasmine Farrell
Did the Church Cause My Exodus?

Those of us who de-converted from christianity have heard the saying, “You only left because of people. You shouldn’t leave just because of a few apples.”. However, is that always our story? Why is that the assumption?

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jasmine Farrell
Pride for Me

In 2018, the shame lifted, and I was ready to celebrate and join my community. I slowly came out to my loved ones and planned on attending NYC’s Annual Pride. The initial group of friends I planned on attending with bailed. So, I went with a college friend who had a similar journey to mine. I had a blast. My heart was soaring.

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